A concise yet thorough illumination of the essential fundamentals of "practical," not doctrinal, Christianity. This skillful blending of The Four Spiritual Laws and Lewis's Mere Christianity is a new "must read" for Christians, as well as those desiring to know just what Christianity is...and what it isn't.
A concise yet thorough illumination of the essential fundamentals of "practical," not doctrinal, Christianity. This skillful blending of The Four Spiritual Laws and Lewis's Mere Christianity is a new "must...
Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips is a prolific bestselling author, with sales of his fiction, nonfiction, and devotional writings exceeding seven million copies worldwide. A leading authority on the works and message of George MacDonald and their connections to C.S. Lewis, he and his wife Judy are former bookstore owners and split their time between George MacDonald’s Scotland and their home in California.