Trapped on an enormous alien spaceship hurtling away from Earth, a small group of humans fights for survival against threats both human and alien. In Rama Revealed, readers at last learn the true agenda of the mysterious Ramans—and the purpose of the universe.
Trapped on the enormous spaceship Rama III as it hurtles through interstellar space, a group of humans struggles for survival in what has become a hostile and violent environment. A small group of humans flees into the labyrinthine bowels of the ship, where they become trapped in the domain of the octospiders-technologically advanced beings that may be friend or foe.
Written by Clarke's longtime collaborator Gentry Lee, Rama Revealed marks the climax of the compelling Rama series-in which humans finally encounter the advanced alien intelligences behind the vast and mysterious spaceships, and come to understand their true agenda.
Arthur C. Clarke
One of the most influential science fiction writers of the 20th and 21st century, Arthur C. Clarke is the author of over 100 novels, novellas, and short story collections that laid the groundwork for the science fiction genre. Combining scientific knowledge and visionary literary aptitude, Clarke's work explored the implications of major scientific discoveries in astonishingly inventive and mystical settings.Clarke's short stories and novels have won numerous Hugo and Nebula Awards, have been translated into more than 30 languages, and have sold millions of copies worldwide. Several of his books, including 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey II, have been adapted into films that still stand as classic examples of the genre. Without a doubt, Arthur C. Clarke's is one of the most important voices in contemporary science fiction literature.