A new edition of early 20th century best-selling author Harold Bell Wright’s The Calling of Dan Matthews edited by Michael Phillips.
A new and rather naïve pastor, Dan Matthews accepts his church call with great anticipation. But he quickly runs into deeply rooted problems: judgements, party spirit, church politics, and hidden agendas. Some problems come from well-intentioned people who don’t know better; others stem from selfishness and evil motives. In both situations, as Dan obeys the life and teachings of Jesus, the consequences are severe.
Dan Matthews believed he had a calling from God. Faced with the loathsome hypocrisy in his church, what will become of him and those he befriends?
A new edition of early 20th century best-selling author Harold Bell Wright’s The Calling of Dan Matthews edited by Michael Phillips.A new and rather naïve pastor, Dan Matthews accepts his...
Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips is a prolific bestselling author, with sales of his fiction, nonfiction, and devotional writings exceeding seven million copies worldwide. A leading authority on the works and message of George MacDonald and their connections to C.S. Lewis, he and his wife Judy are former bookstore owners and split their time between George MacDonald’s Scotland and their home in California.