The Sinking of the Bismarck By William L. Shirer

The Bismark wasn’t just any warship. Its guns were much stronger and more accurate than any others in its day. Allied forces had to put it out of commission before they lost the war. With the fate of the world in the balance, Allied forces pursued the Bismark—culminating in a thrilling sea battle that changed the course of World War II.


William L. Shirer

William Shirer was originally a foreign correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and was the first journalist hired by Edward R. Murrow for what would become a team of journalists for CBS radio. Shirer distinguished himself and quickly became known for his broadcasts from Berlin, accounting the rise of the Nazi dictatorship through the first year of World War II. Shirer was the first of "Edward R. Murrow's Boys"--broadcast journalists--who provided news coverage during World War II and afterward. It was Shirer who broadcast the first uncensored eyewitness account of the annexation of Austria. Shirer is best known for his books The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which has seen millions of copies in print and is considered a seminal work on the Nazi party and the war, as well as his book Berlin Diary.

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William L. Shirer